Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Night 26 - Dunmarra

I had a mechanic check the car in Tennant Creek this morn. Whoa, what a place....the buildings and shops are all boarded up and does not give you an easy feeling at all.

The mechanic thought that it was just a computer error and reset it for $25! We`ll see!!

Thought we`d give it a good crack today and head to Daly Waters. On the way there we pulled over to help a couple who had a flat tyre. The bloke was having an asthma attack and was struggling so I changed his tyre for him. That shortened our drive for the day and we made it to Dunmarra which did not show anything in the 'Camps 5' book (our bible!).

It was a campground behind a roadhouse on the highway and what a great spot!! This bloke called Graham greeted us by saying "welcome to Dunmarra, we have the best drinking water here, nice'n'sweet with lots of calcium, its $20 a night, pick any spot you like, we have a movie tonight on the outdoor screen and it`s happy hour in the bar from 5pm ($3 beers).....sensational!! The people who I changed the tyre for pulled into the spot next to us and they were from Sydney as well.

We saw a couple of big red kangaroos jumping around and in a paddock out the back were some big water buffulo. I tried the "Croc Dundee" trick on them but it didn`t work. They can lick there own nostrils....that`s talent!!

The movie later on was Black Beauty.

Night 25 - Tennant Creek

We left our free camp early and headed towards Three Ways. About an hour into our journey the 'check engine' light came on and the car started to make strange noises. We pulled over and a few cars stopped to see if we were ok. We had about 80k's to go until we reached Tennant Creek so we took it slowly. Its funny, both of us really didnt want to go to Tennant Creek but when we finally made it there we were both so happy!! Seriously of all the places to break down in Australia......Tennant Creek!

Of couse being a Sunday everything was closed so we stayed at the local caravan park and waited until morning. I was stressing, we were the only van there at lunchtime. An hour later another van turned up and parked what we thought was right next to us, they were probably more worried than us! By 5pm there were about 25 other vans there and someone even managed to squeeze inbetween us and our neighbours.

We slept fine that night and in the morning went straight to the mechanics. He fixed the problem which turned out to be a faulty computer and it cost us all of $25. Next stop Mataranka.....