Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Night 89 - Jurien Bay

Woke up to an absolute pea-soup fog this morn....but I still managed to get a fish off the beach in. I didn`t try for too long and managed to bag a decent sized tailor.
There has been a lot of seaweed washing up on the beach which makes things hard.

The kids were up early looking for me so we went and had amother session on the sand dune next to our camp.

We had lunch early and then drove through Jurien and then past the next town, Cervantes, to have a look at the Pinnacles. It is another natural wonder that we have encountered on our trip.

Some pics of the Pinnalces...

We stopped in at Jurien for supplies then back to our camp at Sandy Cape. The boys did a couple of hours school work then another session on the sand dunes. I snuck in another fish but only got some small whiting and flatties.