Thursday, November 25, 2010

Night 125 - Adelaide

We had a fantastic day today despite the rain! Went to Adelaide Zoo which was lots of fun. So exciting to see the only Giant Pandas in the southern hemisphere, Wang Wang and Funi. When we got to the zoo they gave us a ticket to view them at 11:45, they only let about 50 people at a time to view them. They were out and about exploring their new enclosures and they ate non stop.


We also saw a red panda fast asleep in a tree

Other pics from the day...

Apart from the Pandas the highlight of the day was being invited into the animal hospital to watch the vets monitoring a pregnant wallaby. The zoo has this big glass window (like a maternity ward) that you can stand outside and watch them operate. We were standing in the rain and the vet opens the door, feeling very sorry for us, and invites us in. The rock wallaby was under anesthetic and the vets were checking its weight and also the joey. The vet tells us to come closer and he opened up the pouch so we could see the joey. It was a month old and about 5cms long. He gets out his torch and shines it inside the pouch so we could see the joey sucking the milk. Kai, being a bit squeamish, was a bit grossed out....I hope the vet didnt see the look on his face. What an experience though! We only wished we had remembered to take some photos.

We got back to the caravan to put our feet up, it was another long day.