Thursday, October 14, 2010

Night 84 - Denham

This morning we woke up and hitched up the van yet again, hate staying some where for only one night!

We drove down the road to 'One Mile Jetty' and caught the train out to the end of the wharf. Cost us $15 for a family ticket and it took us all of 5 minutes to get to the end of the jetty. Craig took his rod as he was told there were Spanish Mackeral and Dewfish biting but he didnt catch any. The wind was unbelieveably stong, I was so worried the kids would blow right off the jetty! Ellie had some tears as her brand new hat blew off her head and sunk to the bottom. Oh well she said we will just have to buy a new Dora one! We saw some huge turtles in the water bobbing up and down and we looked for Dugongs but couldnt see any.

The kids got off the tain at the end and thanked the driver but old mate couldnt hear a thing!

We went to a park for lunch then drove south towards Monkey Mia. We didnt quite make it the whole way as we left Carnarvon pretty late. We found a little free camp called 'Fowlers Camp' (gotta love the Camps 5 book), this place was another little piece of secluded paradise about 20 k's from Denham.

We arrived at about 5pm and we were all knackered, just enough time to set up and cook up some baked beans for the kids before the sun went down. There were the Gibsons, a dutch couple in a pannel van, an ausie couple and later in the night a combi van showed up. The wind was blowing so strong again (30 knots according to Craig) and we all had a restless night. The bed sides are made of canvas and they just blew in and out all night. Even the kids were scared, no one slept well at all.

We will be up early to go and see some dolphins....