Monday, December 13, 2010

Night 144 - Canberra

We cant believe this is our last day before we head home....better make it a good one then!

Kai (the science whiz) wants to go to Questacon, he has been talking about it forever so he cant wait! Its the 'National Science and Technology Centre' in the centre of Canberra and $60 for the family to go. We were there for hours so we thought it was worth every cent.

The whole centre is science based but its so much fun. We watched shows, we went into interactive areas and played games all day long. The best part for the kids was the free fall slide. You hang on to the top bar and then let go and free fall for about 3m. Craig up first to show the boys how its done!

Kai up next, I must admit he let out a little yelp as he let go...

Bailey up next. He got to the top, held on tight then backed away saying he was to scared. We then went on the roller coaster simulator and he then decided he was brave enough to try again. He did it and then again and again and again...

We walked around for hours, we watched tornado's form...

We watched lightening strike..

We learnt about Liquid Nitrogen, transport, water, magnetism, electricity, weather and much more.

It was a complete brain overload and I was exhausted from the few hours there. I needed a panadol and a glass of champagne to help with my headache!

We decided to check out Parliament House after Questacon. By the time we got there Ellie was asleep and the boys were almost comatose so we just drove past it and took some photos....

Next stop was the Australian War Memorial, it was very moving. Craigs great uncle William Alexander Graham died in England in 1945. We found his name on the wall of honour. they have a huge exhibition which is really worth having a look at. We didnt get to explore it properly but its somewhere we would love to come back to.

We arrived back at our caravan site at 5pm, just in time for a quick dinner then it was down to the trots to have a look. I got out my heels and hat and we took our seats in the grandstand! Craig put a bet on and won

Our final night ended with sparklers and glow sticks (exactly as our first night on the trip had begun). It seems so long ago!

We have had a great time in Canberra, its a very well planned city and its easy to navigate around. We only touched the surface so we will come back for a weekend another time.

So its back to Sydney tomorrow and one final blog entry. Stay tuned....