Friday, October 15, 2010

Night 85 - Monkey Mia

We arrived at Monkey Mia at about 7.30am, mad rush to pack up from our last camp and drive the 40km’s there. This place is simply beautiful. There isn’t anything here except the resort which is where we are staying tonight. It’s a pretty average ‘resort’ considering the amount of tourists that visit here. Its in a great location though and right on the water front.

We arrived just in time for the first feed of the day, there must have been 200 people on the beach. We were all so excited! We raced down to the beach and listened to the national parks ranger talk about the dolphins. The only feed about 5 regulars, all of them females. They only feed the dolphins 3 times a day, between 8-12, and its up to them as to when they want to be fed. One of the dolphins ‘Surprise’ is pregnant and due any day which was pretty exciting to see. She is massive!

They randomly select people out of the crowd, Kai was chosen…..his grin was from ear to ear. He went out and fed a dolphin and he didn’t hold the fish close enough to the water so she reached up and snatched it off him. After they have finished feeding (they only get 3 fish each) the rangers splash the buckets on the water and the dolphins know its all over. They them swim away and come back when they want. Everyone sits on the beach and waits.

We went back to set up the van and while we were setting up Kai ran back down to the beach by himself and again got chosen. He kept saying it was his lucky day! It really was so special to see them so close and amazing to see how they really look up at you to check you out.

We took these photos and video:

In the afternoon Craig went for a fish, unfortunately catching nothing. He is having a great time trying though.

Poor Bailey was trying to do his school work when an Emu friend came to say hello, needless to say he was a little distracted.

After dinner Craig and Bailey went back down to the beach and caught a few whiting and flatties, all were too small though. Finally we have a bit of relief for the wind as we are on the other side of the bay and its sheltered. Hopefully a good night sleep is on the way tonight.